Home » Destinations » 10 Fun Facts About Sumo Wrestling in Japan

10 Fun Facts About Sumo Wrestling in Japan

by Kenya Cranford

I originally only went to a Sumo wrestling tournament because it was on my bucket list. However, I became more interested in the sport as I prepared for my trip to Japan. Since the matches are conducted entirely in Japanese, here are 10 fun facts about Sumo wrestling to help make the experience more enjoyable.

1. Foreigners are some of the best wrestlers: Many of the top contenders in Sumo are recruited from abroad and several of them are from Mongolia. Japan recently limited the number of foreign wrestlers (defined as born outside Japan) to one per stable. They must speak Japanese and understand Japanese culture.

2. Life of a wrestler: Sumo wrestlers must live a traditional lifestyle. They are required to live in training stables, dress in traditional Japanese clothing, and strict rules dictate every aspect of their lives.

3. Crowd expression: The crowd does not have a problem cheering or booing throughout the match. They show their ultimate disappointment by throwing their seat cushions toward the ring.

4. Hairstyle: You will notice that everyone has the same hairstyle. The hair is oiled and combed into the shape of a ginkgo leaf. Apparently it also provides cushion for the head if the wrestlers fall.

5. Rules, Rules, Rules: Eye gouging, hair pulling, choking, hitting with closed fists, and kicking to the chest or abdomen are off limits. The goal is to push your opponent out of the ring or make them touch any part of their body besides the soles of their feet on the ground.

6. Like the ring? Take some: At the very end of the tournament, some fans break off a piece of the clay ring for a souvenir.

7. For men only…or is it?: Historically, women were allowed to participate in Sumo wrestling at some Shinto Shrines, however, it is currently forbidden.

8. The chubbier the better: Today it is expected to pack on weight because there are no weight divisions, so wrestlers do not want to be mismatched during competitions. However, Sumo wrestlers were not always chubby.

9. Sumo is an old man’s sport: Okay…old women too. Most of the Japanese youth are not interested in Sumo. I am not sure why not. It was super fascinating to watch!

10. What are you wearing: Sumo wrestlers wear a Mawashi (廻し)),  a heavy fabric loincloth that the wrestlers grab and  hold to gain an advantage during the match.

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